67 - Água Mineral
Água mineral >> ENGLISH >> Mineral water
R$ 3,50
68 - Água com gás
R$ 4,50
69 - Suco Natural
Laranja, pink lemonade (limonada com morango), limão, abacaxi, maracujá ou acerola. >> ENGLISH >>. Orange, Pink Lemonade (strawberry lemonade), Lemon, Pineapple, Passion fruit, or Acerola.
R$ 11,50
70 - Suco Bissap
Suco senegalês de hibisco e menta, rico em antioxidantes. >> ENGLISH >> Senegalese hibiscus and mint juice, rich in antioxidants.
R$ 14,50
71 - Suco Detox
Suco verde batido com suco de larania ou suco de limão. >> ENGLISH >> Green juice blended with orange juice or lemon juice.
R$ 16,00
72 - Slim Juice
Suco emagrecedor com gengibre, melado, limão e maracujá. >> ENGLISH >> Weight-loss juice made with ginger, molasses, lemon and passion fruit.
R$ 11,50
73 - Chia Fresca
Bebida restauradora de chia com suco de limão e gelo. >> ENGLISH >> Chia restoring drink with lemon juice and ice.
R$ 14,50
74 - Smoothie
Smoothie sabores abacaxi ou morango batido com nosso sorvete de banana e leite vegetal. >> ENGLISH >> Smoothie - Pineapple or Strawberry flavor blended with our banana ice cream and plant-based milk.
R$ 19,50
75 - Vitamina de Frutas
Mix de frutas batidas com leite vegetal. >> ENGLISH >> Mix of fruits blended with plant-based milk.
R$ 14,50
76 - Chocolate Quente
Chocolate quente com leite vegetal. >> ENGLISH >> Hot chocolate with plant-based milk.
R$ 14,50