35 - Moqueca de Shimeji
Moqueca à baiana cozida com legumes e shimeji no leite de coco e azeite de dendê, servida com uma porção de arroz integral e pirão. >> ENGLISH >> Bahia-style stew cooked with vegetables and shimeji in coconut milk and dendê oil, served with brown rice and creamy polenta.
R$ 39,90
36 - Taste Mineiro
Angu com molho de tomates frescos e linguiça vegetal caseira acebolada, bife vegetal à mineira e tutu de feijão, servidos com arroz integral, farofa ao alho e couve ao molho de alho. >> ENGLISH >>. Polenta with fresh tomato sauce and homemade onion-sauteed vegetarian sausage, vegetarian steak, bean stew puree, served with brown rice, fried manioc flour with garlic, and collard greens in garlic sauce.
R$ 39,90
37 - Taste Brasileiro do Dia
Beringela à parmegiana assada ao molho bechamel de leite vegetal e molho de tomates frescos, arroz integral e feijão da casa. >> ENGLISH >> Eggplant parmegiana baked in a vegetarian bechamel sauce and fresh tomato sauce, brown rice and house beans.
R$ 36,90
38 - Taste Árabe
Hummus e babaganoush caseiros, tabule, quibe assado, kafta de carne vegetal e quinoa, pão sírio. >> ENGLISH >> Homemade hummus and babaganoush, tabouli, baked kibe, vegetable meat kafta and quinoa, pita bread.
R$ 39,90
39 - Moussaka
Prato grego com beringela grelhada, carne vegetal à bolonhesa, purê de batata ao azeite, arroz integral, salpicado com farofa de castanha de caju. >> ENGLISH >> Greek dish with grilled eggplant, vegetarian meat in Bolognese sauce, mushed potatoes with olive oil, brown rice, sprinkled with cashew nut flour.
R$ 39,90
40 - Espaguete com Almôndegas
Espaguete de massa integral com almôndegas caseiras de carne vegetal ao molho sugo de tomates frescos com queijo ralado de castanha de caju. >> ENGLISH >> Whole grain spaghetti with homemade vegetarian meatballs in a fresh tomato sugo sauce with grated cashew nut.
R$ 39,90
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