22 - Taste Oriental com Sushi
Yakissoba vegano, com mix de sushi vegano, gengibre em conserva, wasabi, shoyu. >> ENGLISH >> Vegan Yakisoba, with a mix of vegan sushi, pickled ginger, wasabi, soy sauce.
R$ 39,90
23 - Taste Bentô
Mix de delícias japonesas: bife vegetal empanado ao molho teriyaki, sushi vegano, mix de legumes com tofu grelhado ao molho de shoyu com óleo de gergelim, arroz japonês, bifum de legumes ao curry. >> ENGLISH >> Mix of Japanese delights: vegetable steak coated with teriyaki sauce, vegan sushi, mixed vegetables with grilled tofu in soy sauce with sesame oil, Japanese rice, vegetable bifum with curry.
R$ 39,90
24 - Taste Brasileiro do Dia
Feijão, arroz integral, purê de batata ao azeite, bife vegetal à milanesa. >> ENGLISH >>. Beans, brown rice, potato puree with olive oil, vegetarian breaded steak.
R$ 36,90
25 - Taste Árabe
Hummus e babaganoush caseiros, tabule, quibe assado, kafta de carne vegetal e quinoa, pão sírio. >> ENGLISH >>. Homemade hummus and babaganoush, tabouli, baked kibe, vegetable meat kafta and quinoa, pita bread.
R$ 39,90
26 - Yakissoba
Massa chinesa com legumes e cogumelos shimeji grelhados, temperada com shoyu e salpicada com cebolinha. >> ENGLISH >> Chinese noodle with grilled vegetables and shimeji mushrooms seasoned with soy sauce and sprinkled with green onions.
R$ 39,90
27 - Espaguete com Almôndegas
Espaguete de massa integral com almôndegas caseiras de carne vegetal ao molho sugo de tomates frescos com queijo ralado de castanha de caju. >> ENGLISH >> Whole grain spaghetti with homemade vegetarian meatballs in a fresh tomato sugo sauce with grated cashew nut.
R$ 39,90
28 - Bifum ao Curry
Bifum (macarrão oriental de arroz) com legumes e cogumelos shimeji, temperado ao curry.>> ENGLISH >> Bifum (eastern rice noodle) with vegetables and shimeji mushrooms seasoned with curry.
R$ 39,90
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