
41 - Taste Degustação Vegana
Mix de delícias Taste and See: coxinha assada de carne de jaca verde, espetinho assado de carne vegetal e legumes, bobó de shimeji, legumes e tofu ao molho de cogumelo, couscous marroquino ao curry, arroz integral. >> ENGLISH >>. A mix of Taste and See delights: roasted potato croquette with green jackfruit meat filling, roasted vegetable and meat skewer, shimeji stew, vegetables and tofu with mushroom sauce, Moroccan curry couscous, brown rice.
R$ 39,90

42 - Bobó de Shimeji com Espetinho
Bobó de shimeji no leite de coco e creme de mandioca com legumes, espetinho assado de carne vegetal e legumes, arroz integral. >> ENGLISH >> Shimeji stew in coconut milk and cassava cream with vegetables, roasted vegetable and meat skewer, and brown rice.
R$ 39,90

43 - Taste Coxinha Assada com Salada
Coxinha assada de batata com recheio de carne de jaca verde, couscous marroquino, salada de alface, palmito pupunha e tomate. >> ENGLISH >> Roasted potato croquette with green jackfruit meat filling, Moroccan couscous, lettuce, palm heart and tomato salad.
R$ 39,90

44 - Taste Brasileiro do Dia
Feijão e arroz integral, espetinho assado de carne vegetal e legumes, couscous à paulista. >> ENGLISH >> Brown rice and beans, breaded and roasted vegetable and meat skewer, and Brazilian-style couscous.
R$ 36,90

45 - Taste Árabe
Hummus e babaganoush caseiros, tabule, quibe assado, kafta de carne vegetal e quinoa, pão sírio. >> ENGLISH >> Homemade hummus and babaganoush, tabouli, baked kibe, vegetable meat kafta and quinoa, pita bread.
R$ 39,90

46 - Tofu Xadrez
Pimentão, cebola, tofu e amendoim, refogados ao óleo de gergelim e molho de shoyu com gergelim, arroz integral. >> ENGLISH >>. Bell pepper, onion, tofu and peanuts stir-fried with sesame oil and soy sauce with sesame, brown rice.
R$ 39,90

47 - Espaguete com Almôndegas
Espaguete de massa integral com almôndegas caseiras de carne vegetal ao molho sugo de tomates frescos com queijo ralado de castanha de caju. >> ENGLISH >> Whole grain spaghetti with homemade vegetarian meatballs in a fresh tomato sugo sauce with grated cashew nut.
R$ 39,90

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