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29 - Taste Feijoada image

29 - Taste Feijoada

Feijoada vegana com carne vegetal, legumes e beringela defumada, servida com farofa crocante, vinagrete, couve ao alho e limão e arroz integral. >> ENGLISH >>. Vegan black beans stew with vegetable meat, vegetables and smoked eggplant, served with crispy fried manioc flour, vinaigrette, garlic and lemon collard greens and brown rice.

R$ 39,90

30 - Taste Brasileiro do Dia image

30 - Taste Brasileiro do Dia

Prato clássico de arroz integral com feijão preto, bife vegetal acebolado e legumes salteados. >> ENGLISH >> Black beans and brown rice, vegetarian steak with sautéed onions and vegetables.

R$ 36,90

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31 - Taste Árabe image

31 - Taste Árabe

Hummus e babaganoush caseiros, tabule, quibe assado, kafta de carne vegetal e quinoa, pão sírio. >> ENGLISH >> Homemade hummus and babaganoush, tabouli, baked kibe, vegetable meat kafta and quinoa, pita bread.

R$ 39,90

32 - Taste Chinês image

32 - Taste Chinês

Brócolis, tofu e acelga grelhados ao molho de gengibre com shoyu, arroz integral. >> ENGLISH >>. Grilled broccoli, tofu, and chard with ginger and soy sauce, brown rice.

R$ 39,90

33 - Taste Panqueca image

33 - Taste Panqueca

Panqueca caseira e integral com dois recheios, creme de palmito e creme de tofu com alho-poró, servida ao molho de tomates frescos e queijo ralado vegano. >> ENGLISH >> Homemade whole grain pancake with two fillings, palm heart cream and tofu with leek cream, served with fresh tomato sauce and grated vegan cheese.

R$ 39,90

34 - Espaguete com Almôndegas image

34 - Espaguete com Almôndegas

Espaguete de massa integral com almôndegas caseiras de carne vegetal ao molho sugo de tomates frescos com queijo ralado de castanha de caju. >> ENGLISH >> Whole grain spaghetti with homemade vegetarian meatballs in a fresh tomato sugo sauce with grated cashew nut.

R$ 39,90


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